Sunday, April 7, 2013

Professional Development

-I never saw the tweet with the assignment to post a Professional Development point in our blog till today, so I am posting this late to make up for it.-

I selected a point from "Engaging in Professional Growth and Leadership" because it mixed the most with my current job and those things that I am currently doing both in school and my everyday life.  I feel that this is a point that I have a lot of influence in both as a designer and as a teacher.

  1. Engage in professional growth and leadership
    1. Participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning.
    2. Currently as an interior designer of schools, I do research on different types of technology that can be used in a classroom and what is popular in the current trends so that I can communicate with clients effectively on what items they might potentially put in their schools.  
    3. Technology is only going to become a larger piece of the education puzzle.  Knowing what is out there and how it can be used will put me ahead of the curve and keep me up to date on what is coming, what is current, and what is gone.
    4. Continue to research developing trends in technology not only as a designer but as a practitioner that will eventually use these resources in the classroom.  Participate in Continuing Education provided by the architectural community to further my knowledge and understanding of current trends so that I can apply them to my own learning to become a teacher.  MetroCon 2013 (August)
    5. Continue to read journals, blogs, attend conferences and weekend classes and other ways of staying current on the education trends in technology to make sure I know what is coming so that I can research and learn about it both before I am in the classroom and when I am a teacher.

1 comment:

  1. Hi KT with daisies!

    I saw the post late also. Your Professional Development Plan sounds very interesting. Have you created a technology road map? If so will you include it in your PDP?
